Wednesday, 9 November 2011

KERRANG - Analysis

This is the front page of the magazine, Kerrang. Kerrang often features metal and rock bands and is meant to appeal to a target audience who listen to this type of music. Kerrangs masthead is placed right across the top of the page instead of being just to one side, this helps to make it stand out. The lead image is a full body or long shot of a band who features in the magazine,the expressions on the bands faces look serious, this connotates the magazine as being serious, unlike the fun upbeat feel of 'We ♥ Pop'. Cover lines for the magazine can be found on the top of the magazine above the Masthead, I believe these were put here so the reader can see them almost straight away and is drawn into what is going to be featured in the magazine. The colour scheme of the front page links in with the type of music genre that is featured through out the magazine, often the colour black is used to represent darkness which is in turn asscociated with heavy metal. Other colours, such as red and yellow are used because they may represent fire and violence which creates a very 'Gritty' feel around the magazine.
This is the Kerrang contents which includes everything that is featured inside the magazine. It is layed out to carry on the theme of the whole magazine, using the same colours and rough font. The 'lead image' on the contents is of a man with tattos, and looking like he is at a gig or partying. This reflects the 'VALs' of the sterotypical reader. The main body copy on this page is a message from the editor found at the bottom in the centre. Also, because the editors message is rather long it has been edited into two columns with a gutter in the middle to space it out correctly, this makes the editors note look more formal than the rest of the magazine. Like 'We ♥ Pop' featured articles which are not included regually and made to stand out more than regular articles by using pictures and larger text.

This is the double page spread for the magazine. It features a rock/heavy metal band. The lead image, which is of the featured band, is showing them looking down, which could represent them as being powerful and their facial expressions are serious. 

On this side of the double page spread, it features the article about the band, which is split up into two columns and a gutter through the middle to make it easier on the eye, and easier to read and understand. It also has a 'Pull Qoute' which will draw the readers attention the the main body copy.

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